240 Writing Topics with Sample Essays
English EssayA very helpful book in preparation of CSS (Central Superior Services) English Essays Paper - 240 Wri...
A Communicative Grammar of English By Geoffrey Leech Jan Svartvik. A Communicative Grammar of English has long been established as a grammar innovative in approach, reliable in coverage, and clear in its explanations. This fully revised and redesigned third edition provides up-to-date and accessible help to teachers, advanced learners and undergraduate students of English. Part One looks at the way English grammar varies in different types of English, such as ‘formal’ and ‘informal’, ‘spoken’ and ‘written’; Part Two focuses on the uses of grammar rather than on grammatical structure and Part Three provides a handy alphabetically arranged guide to English grammar. A new workbook, The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook also accompanies this edition.
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A very helpful book in preparation of CSS (Central Superior Services) English Essays Paper - 240 Wri...
A Practical English Grammar By Thomson and Martinet’s classic intermediate grammar for foreign learn...
A University Grammar of English is a shorter version of A Grammar of Contemporary English on which t...
A very helpful book in preparation of CSS (Central Superior Services) English Essays Paper - Better...